Pick the best plan for your business



$1000 $500 / Month
Static QR Codes
API Requests
Upto 100 per month
Upto 5 per second
Unlimited Scans/Month
Security API Key
No Support


$2000 $1000 / Month
Static QR Codes
API Requests
Upto 5000 per month
Upto 10 per second
Unlimited Scans/Month
Security API Key
No Support


$5000 $2500 / Month
Static QR Codes
API Requests
Upto 100000 per month
Upto 10 per second
Unlimited Scans/Month
Security API Key
24/7 Support

Request for Quote*

Static QR Codes
Dynamic QR Codes
API Requests
Unlimited Scans/Month
Security API Key
24/7 Support
Save 50% Now Ends Soon

Access everything with Qrlogo

  • Dynamic and unique QR codes we offer a wide range of customization options to help you create a QR code that's perfect for your business or personal use.
  • Unlimited scans and support so you can use your custom QR codes as much as you need without any limitations
  • Modifications you can update the information in your QR code at any time, without having to create a new one.
  • Analytics dashboard that provides you with detailed insights into your QR code usage. Our analytics feature allows you to track the number of scans, location of scans, and the type of device used to scan your QR code.
  • Cancellation Any time That's why we offer a satisfaction guarantee for all of our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, ads will be removed automatically.

Yes, ads will be removed, but QR codes should be in the account (Dashboard). If the QR code is not in the account(Dashboard), please contact us and send the code and the account's email.

No, our QR codes have no scanning limit.

Yes, you can use your QR code without paying. We offer a free version, which differs from a subscription in the presence of ads after scanning and more features.

No, all your codes will work, just ads will be shown again.

No. QR codes do not have an expiration date., qrlogo.io keeps your QR code active for as long as you need it.

You can contact support via live chat or email us in [email protected] we will help you.

Yes, please contact our support team for cancelation.

Yes, you can continue using your QR codes.

Yes, ads will appear in your QRCode Again.